100 Roses (mixed color)


Huge bouquet of 100 premium roses from Flowers-Bangkok. This vibrant bouquet is composed of red, white and pink roses. We only use fresh roses that have large buds, bright green leaves and a long stem. A bouquet of 100 roses in three colors is a great way to tell your loved one about your bright and multifaceted feelings. Red roses are a symbol of passion and ardent love. White roses are a symbol of purity and gratitude. And pink roses will tell about your tenderness and loyalty. To this huge bouquet of 100 roses, our florist usually adds seasonal green filler or gypsophila flowers that go well with any roses. The bouquet will be decorated with special craft paper and colored ribbon.

✅ Free flower delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before 3 pm
✅ Free greeting card with your message
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

In stock


Huge bouquet of 100 premium roses from Flowers-Bangkok. This vibrant bouquet is composed of red, white and pink roses. We only use fresh roses that have large buds, bright green leaves and a long stem. A bouquet of 100 roses in three colors is a great way to tell your loved one about your bright and multifaceted feelings. Red roses are a symbol of passion and ardent love. White roses are a symbol of purity and gratitude. And pink roses will tell about your tenderness and loyalty. To this huge bouquet of 100 roses, our florist usually adds seasonal green filler or gypsophila flowers that go well with any roses. The bouquet will be decorated with special craft paper and colored ribbon. The cost of the bouquet also includes a greeting card with your message to the recipient. Same-day flower delivery in Bangkok is possible if the order is paid before 3 pm.


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