100 White Roses


A huge bouquet of 100 large white roses from Flowers-Bangkok. This is a special bouquet – the largest bouquet of white roses in our flower shop. White color is a symbol of pure feelings and intentions, the color of sincere gratitude. And 100 white flowers in a bouquet symbolize that you are 100% sure of feelings. The bouquet of 100 white roses that you give your beloved girl shows that you have the most serious intentions, and not a strong, but short-lived passion. Therefore, this gift is for a special occasion or for a special person. A bouquet of 100 white roses is traditionally made with minimal addition of green filler, because the bouquet without it is very voluminous. Our florists emphasize the beauty of a large bouquet of white roses with gift wrapping in light or green colors, as well as white or green colored ribbons.

✅ Free flower delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before 3 pm
✅ Free card with your words and name
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

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A huge bouquet of 100 large white roses from Flowers-Bangkok. This is a special bouquet – the largest bouquet of white roses in our flower shop. White color is a symbol of pure feelings and intentions, the color of sincere gratitude. And 100 white flowers in a bouquet symbolize that you are 100% sure of feelings. The bouquet of 100 white roses that you give your beloved girl shows that you have the most serious intentions, and not a strong, but short-lived passion. Therefore, this gift is for a special occasion or for a special person. A bouquet of 100 white roses is traditionally made with minimal addition of green filler, because the bouquet without it is very voluminous. Our florists emphasize the beauty of a large bouquet of white roses with gift wrapping in light or green colors, as well as white or green colored ribbons. Free flower delivery in Bangkok and small  greeting card with your name or your congratulation will be added to the bouquet for free. The best roses with long stems and large buds will be used to make the bouquet. The initial length of the flowers is 60-70 cm (it will be slightly shortened during the creation of the bouquet). Same day flower delivery  in Bangkok is possible if paid before 3 pm.



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