30 Red and Pink Roses


A large and bright bouquet of premium red and pink roses from Flowers-Bangkok. This bouquet is filled with passion and tenderness and is a great flower gift for special occasions or special people. The combination of several types of roses makes the bouquet more versatile, and you can order it for both girls and colleagues or friends. Our florist will add seasonal green filler to premium red and pink roses to make the bouquet even more voluminous and beautiful. The cost of the bouquet includes gift wrapping as well as delivery in Bangkok.

✅ Free flower delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before 3 pm
✅ Free greeting card with your message
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

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A large and bright bouquet of premium red and pink roses from Flowers-Bangkok. This bouquet is filled with passion and tenderness and is a great flower gift for special occasions or special people. The combination of several types of roses makes the bouquet more versatile, and you can order it for both girls and colleagues or friends.
Our florist will add seasonal green filler or some exra flowers to premium red and pink roses to make the bouquet even more voluminous and beautiful. The cost of the bouquet includes gift wrapping, a greeting card with your name and message, as well as delivery in Bangkok. Delivery to the nearest neighboring provinces is also possible for a small surcharge. Flower Delivery in Bangkok is possible in the same day if you place your order and pay for it before 3 pm.


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