7 Orange Gerberas


This bright bouquet of 7 orange gerberas is designed to bring joy and good mood. All gerberas are very positive flowers and orange gerberas are the brightest and most festive of all. You can order this bouquet of bright orange gerberas for men and women, because orange gerberas are the most versatile. A bouquet of 7 orange gerberas will be wrapped in light craft paper. White gypsophila or other seasonal green filler can be added to the bouquet for more volume.

✅ Free flower delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before 2 pm
✅ Free card with your message and name
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

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This bright bouquet of 7 orange gerberas is designed to bring joy and good mood. All gerberas are very positive flowers and orange gerberas are the brightest and most festive of all. You can order this bouquet of bright orange gerberas for men and women, because orange gerberas are the most versatile. By sending such a bouquet for your friends or family, you wish them happiness and optimism. A bouquet of 7 orange gerberas will be wrapped in light craft paper. White gypsophila or other seasonal green filler can be added to the bouquet for more volume. This is an inexpensive bouquet, so you can add a package of chocolates to it, which our florist will decorate in the same style as the bouquet of flowers. The cost of this bouquet includes a greeting card for which you can add a message during checkout. Same day flower delivery  in Bangkok is possible if paid before 3 pm.


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