7 Red Roses + White Lilies


Bright and contrasting bouquet of 7 red roses and fresh white lilies from Flowers-Bangkok. Red and white flowers in one bouquet always look bright and are at the same time a symbol of real passion and the most sincere feelings. This bouquet is not the best choice for a first date or at the beginning of a relationship, but this bouquet can be a perfect birthday present for a wife or girlfriend with whom you have a serious relationship. Also, this bouquet can be presented to a man whom you love and respect, including your father, brother or other relative.

✅ Free flower delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before 3 pm
✅ Free greeting card with your message
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

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Bright and contrasting bouquet of 7 red roses and fresh white lilies from Flowers-Bangkok. Red and white flowers in one bouquet always look bright and are at the same time a symbol of real passion and the most sincere feelings. “I love you very much, I trust you and I am grateful to you for everything” – white lilies and red roses speak the language of flowers. This bouquet is not the best choice for a first date or at the beginning of a relationship, but this bouquet can be a perfect birthday present for a wife or girlfriend with whom you have a serious relationship. Also, this bouquet can be presented to a man whom you love and respect, including your father, brother or other relative. A postcard with your message, which we will add to this bouquet for free, will help convey the exact meaning of your wishes. Same day flower delivery in Bangkok is possible if your order was paid before 3 pm.


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