Bouquet of Yellow Lilies


A large bouquet of yellow lilies. In the language of flowers, yellow lilies symbolize health, longevity, wealth and good luck. Also, these flowers are a symbol of trust and gratitude. Our florists use fresh lily inflorescences, in which some of the flowers have already blossomed, and some are in buds. Therefore, a bouquet of yellow lilies will delight the recipient for a long time and remind of the person who gave these flowers. We use large yellow lilies, so the bouquet of these flowers looks beautiful and luxurious.

✅ Free flower delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before 2 pm
✅ Free card with your words and name
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

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A large bouquet of yellow lilies. In the language of flowers, yellow lilies symbolize health, longevity, wealth and good luck. Also, these flowers are a symbol of trust and gratitude. Therefore, you can order a bouquet of fresh yellow lilies for your friends and relatives of any gender (for example, as a wish for a speedy recovery), as well as for your boss or colleague for a birthday or anniversary. Our florists use fresh lily inflorescences, in which some of the flowers have already blossomed, and some are in buds. Therefore, a bouquet of yellow lilies will delight the recipient for a long time and remind of the person who gave these flowers. We use large yellow lilies, so the bouquet of these flowers looks beautiful and luxurious. Our florist will decorate a bouquet of yellow lilies using special craft paper and colored ribbon. At your request, we will add a small postcard for free with your message to the recipient and your name. Flower delivery in Bangkok is possible on the same day if paid before 2 pm.


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