Spring blooms bouquet


Bright bouquet of yellow and white chrysanthemums. This big bouquet of chrysanthemums can be a great gift for girls and men. The combination of yellow and white colors symbolize good luck, health, wealth, trust and gratitude.  You can give such a bouquet to your loved one, as well as to your friend, colleague, relative or boss. The price of the bouquet includes fresh white and yellow chrysanthemums, a bright wrapper with a festive ribbon.  Delivery to neighboring provinces is also possible for a small surcharge.

✅ Free flower delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before 3 pm
✅ Free greeting card with your message
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

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Bright bouquet of yellow and white chrysanthemums. This bouquet of chrysanthemums can be a great gift for girls and men. The combination of yellow and white colors symbolize good luck, health, wealth, trust and gratitude. You can give such a bouquet to your loved one, as well as to your friend, colleague, relative or boss. Chrysanthemums do not have very long stems, but lush inflorescences of many bright flowers make the bouquet very voluminous and festive. The price of the bouquet includes fresh white and yellow chrysanthemums, a bright wrapper with a festive ribbon, as well as your message, which we will place on a branded greeting card from Flowers-Bangkok. The price also includes flower delivery in Bangkok (delivery to neighboring provinces is also possible for a small surcharge). You can order this bouquet for delivery on the same day (if paid before 15:00).


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