Yellow Chrysanthemums


Large bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums from Flowers-Bangkok.  In the language of flowers, such a bouquet can mean the first declaration of love. In addition, a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums is a good choice for a friendly gift or for a present for your beloved man. Like all yellow flowers in Asia, yellow chrysanthemums are symbols of wealth, health and good luck. The price of the bouquet includes a bright wrapper, a decorative ribbon with a bow and a greeting card with your message.

✅ Free flower delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before 3 pm
✅ Free greeting card with your message
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok


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Yellow chrysanthemums are the most original, because these are the chrysanthemums that have been for many centuries, and only in the last century did breeders develop new varieties with a different color of flower petals. In the language of flowers, such a bouquet can mean the first declaration of love. In addition, a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums is a good choice for a friendly gift or for a present for your beloved man. Like all yellow flowers in Asia, yellow chrysanthemums are symbols of wealth, health and good luck. Thanks to the lush inflorescences and many bright flowers, the bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums is quite voluminous and does not need additional green filler. The price of the bouquet includes a bright wrapper, a decorative ribbon with a bow and a greeting card with your message to the recipient of the bouquet. Free flower delivery in Bangkok on the same day is possible if the order is paid before 3 pm.


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