15 Yellow Gerberas


This bright and cheerful bouquet at the same time combines modesty and extraordinary beauty. Each gerbera flower looks like a little sun, especially when yellow gerberas were used to create the bouquet. These are always very positive flowers that give real joy to any person. In Asian countries, yellow is a symbol of wealth, so when you present a bouquet of yellow gerberas, you wish a person happiness, joy and prosperity. Our florist will add some seasonal green filler to further emphasize the brightness of a bouquet of 15 yellow gerberas. The bouquet will be decorated with green craft paper that blends very well with yellow gerberas.

✅ Free flower delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before 3 pm
✅ Free card with your words and name
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

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SKU: YG15 Categories: , ,


This bright and cheerful bouquet at the same time combines modesty and extraordinary beauty. Each gerbera flower looks like a little sun, especially when yellow gerberas were used to create the bouquet. These are always very positive flowers that give real joy to any person. In Asian countries, yellow is a symbol of wealth, so when you present a bouquet of yellow gerberas, you wish a person happiness, joy and prosperity. Therefore, yellow gerberas are a universal gift and you can give them to any person. Our florist will add some seasonal green fill. to further emphasize the brightness of a bouquet of 15 yellow gerberas. The bouquet will be decorated with colored green craft paper that blends very well with yellow gerberas. Also, at your request, we will add for free a small card with your wishes to this bouquet. Free same day flower delivery  in Bangkok is possible if paid before 3 pm.


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