18 Orange Roses


Bouquet of 18 orange roses from Flowers-Bangkok. It is orange roses, not red ones, that are the true symbol of love. However, in this case we are talking about mutual love and serious relationships, and not about secret passion or unrequited love. Therefore, our bouquet of 18 orange roses is a great birthday or anniversary gift. A bouquet of 18 premium orange roses with seasonal green filling (white gypsophila, statice twigs or round eucalyptus leaves) will be decorated with a special gift wrapper with a bright ribbon.

✅ Free flower delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before noon
✅ Free card with your words and name
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

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Bouquet of 18 orange roses from Flowers-Bangkok. It is orange roses, not red ones, that are the true symbol of love. However, in this case we are talking about mutual love and serious relationships, and not about secret passion or unrequited love. Juuket made from fresh orange roses has no hidden meaning. Orange color is very emotional, it encourages action. Therefore, a bouquet of orange roses is often not only a symbol of love, but also a symbol of sex. But even in this bouquet you can add a little romance. To do this, our florists will add a small postcard to the bouquet with your message for the recipient. A bouquet of 18 premium orange roses with seasonal green filling (white gypsophila, statice twigs or round eucalyptus leaves) will be decorated with a special gift wrapper with a bright ribbon. Free same day flower delivery in Bangkok is possible if paid before 15:00. Note: The length of the flowers (65-70 cm) will be slightly reduced when making a bouquet.


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