Bouquet of 21 Roses

5.00 out of 5
(1 customer review)


A bouquet of 21 white and red premium roses from Flowers-Bangkok. The combination of red and white in a bouquet always creates a festive mood. This is a very bright bouquet that simultaneously shows your passion and your tenderness. The perfect gift for your loved one! Seasonal green filling, which our florist will add to this bouquet, will make your gift even more vivid and contrasting. At your request, we can change the ratio of red and white roses in a bouquet while maintaining the total number of flowers.

✅ Free flower delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before noon
✅ Free card with your words and name
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

In stock


A bouquet of 21 white and red premium roses from Flowers-Bangkok. The combination of red and white in a bouquet always creates a festive mood. This is a very bright bouquet that simultaneously shows your passion and your tenderness. The perfect gift for your loved one! Seasonal green filling, which our florist will add to this bouquet, will make your gift even more vivid and contrasting. To create this magnificent bouquet, our florists traditionally use 11 and 10 premium red and white roses. But at your request, we can change the ratio of red and white roses in a bouquet while maintaining the total number of flowers. The bouquet will be decorated with bright gift wrapping or paper and a ribbon of red, white, or gold. The price includes a greeting card with your wishes and name. Free same day flower delivery  in Bangkok is possible if paid before 3 pm.

1 review for Bouquet of 21 Roses

  1. 5 out of 5

    Henry D

    It was a great gift for the 21st anniversary of my thai girlfriend Aommy! She was really happy, thanks!

    • Avatar photo


      You have a very nice girlfriend, Henry. We will be happy to deliver her flowers from you again!

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