25 Red and Yellow Roses


25 red and yellow roses from Flowers-Bangkok. This is one of the brightest bouquets of roses in our flower shop. The combination of yellow and red roses in one bouquet makes this bouquet very emotional. Such a bouquet can tell without any words about your passion and that you do not hide your feelings. As part of a standard bouquet of 12 and 13 roses of red and yellow. According to your desire, we can change the ratio of red and yellow roses in a bouquet while maintaining the total number of flowers. This bouquet will be decorated with a special bright ribbon, special packaging film or colored paper.

✅ Free flower delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before noon
✅ Free card with your words and name
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

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25 red and yellow roses from Flowers-Bangkok. This is one of the brightest bouquets of roses in our flower shop. The combination of yellow and red roses in one bouquet makes this bouquet very emotional. Such a bouquet can tell without any words about your passion and that you do not hide your feelings. Also this bouquet will be a great gift for an anniversary of first dating or wedding. As part of a standard bouquet of 12 and 13 roses of red and yellow. According to your desire, we can change the ratio of red and yellow roses in a bouquet while maintaining the total number of flowers. This bouquet will be decorated with a special bright ribbon, special packaging film or colored paper. Free same day flower delivery  in Bangkok is possible if paid before 3 pm.


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