Bouquet of 25 flowers


A large bouquet of 25 red and pink roses from Flowers-Bangkok. The combination of red and pink in a bouquet always creates a festive mood. And the color of green leaves of roses and a special seasonal green filler further emphasizes this contrast. According to your desire, we can change the ratio of red and light pink roses in a bouquet while maintaining the total number of colors. This large bouquet will be decorated with special gift wrap or paper and a bright ribbon (red, white, pink or gold color).

✅ Free flower delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before noon
✅ Free card with your words and name
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

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A large bouquet of 25 pink and red roses from Flowers-Bangkok. The combination of red and pink in a bouquet always creates a festive mood. And the color of green leaves of roses and a special seasonal green filler further emphasizes this contrast. To create this large and bright bouquet, our florists traditionally use 12 and 13 roses of pale pink and red. But according to your desire, we can change the ratio of red and light pink roses in a bouquet while maintaining the total number of flowers. This large bouquet will be decorated with special gift wrap or paper and a bright ribbon (red, white, pink or gold color). When ordering this bouquet, you can add a greeting card with your wishes and name for free. Same day flower delivery  in Bangkok is possible if paid before 3 pm.


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