20000 Money Bouquet


Make a memorable moment even more extraordinary or astonish your dear one with an exclusive and captivating cash arrangement from Flowers-Bangkok. This breathtaking ensemble showcases a collection of 10 Money Roses, each meticulously handcrafted using 20 banknotes of 1000 Thai baht. Encircled by blooms in shades of white, pink, or orange, and accompanied by vibrant green filler, this bouquet boasts an unparalleled originality and charm. A grand and lavish cash bouquet, tailor-made for a momentous event or a cherished individual in your life. An impeccable gift for birthdays, anniversaries, or an elegant gesture to express your heartfelt gratitude. It’s a testament of sincerity that takes approximately 48 hours to create.

700 THB discount possible when paying by direct bank transfer.

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Embracing an age-old Thai tradition, the money bouquet holds a special place in the hearts of many. Be it a birthday celebration, a symbol of appreciation, a comforting show of solidarity, or even a heartfelt apology, the money bouquet from Flowers-Bangkok emerges as an exquisite offering for Thai recipients. It symbolizes not just generosity, but the depth of your sentiments, reflecting your earnest desire to create a treasured moment. Anticipate an enchanting revelation as this distinct gift showcases your affection and deep regard.

The price of this exceptional money bouquet encompasses an exquisite wrapping adorned with a graceful ribbon, a total of 20,000 baht, meticulously arranged in crisp banknotes, the accompanying fresh blossoms and verdant filler, and a thoughtful greeting card. Kindly be informed that due to the intricate artistry demanded, the crafting of this bouquet necessitates an approximate lead time of 48 hours. Our Flowers-Bangkok shop undertakes the acquisition of 20 pristine 1000 THB banknotes to ensure the bouquet’s utmost splendor. Additionally, recognizing the substantial value of the bouquet, we extend a special conveyance service via our dedicated vehicle, guaranteeing the secure and punctual delivery of this exceptional offering. The delivery of the money bouquet is viable across every district of Bangkok, encompassing the city’s outskirts and the surrounding regions of the Thai capital.


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