30 Blue Roses (2 days delivery)


Bouquet of 30 premium blue roses from Flowers-Bangkok. This large bouquet of unusual blue roses will surely become the brightest and most memorable gift for your loved one. Blue roses are flowers for a special occasion or special person in your life. A bouquet of 30 blue roses will be decorated with special craft paper and ribbon, and a special green filler will be added to the flowers to give even greater brightness, contrast and volume to the bouquet. Please note that blue roses do not exist in nature, therefore they are all the result of a special process of natural intracellular coloration. This process is extremely slow and takes about 2 days. Therefore, delivery of blue roses on the day of order is not possible and we recommend placing an order at least 1.5 days before delivery.

✅ Free bouquet delivery in Bangkok
✅ 2 days delivery for this bouquet
✅ Free greeting card with your message
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

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Bouquet of 30 premium blue roses from Flowers-Bangkok. This large bouquet of unusual blue roses will surely become the brightest and most memorable gift for your loved one. Blue roses are flowers for a special occasion or special person in your life. The unique color of roses emphasizes your unique relationship to the recipient of the bouquet, your trust, deep sense of respect and true love. A bouquet of 30 blue roses will be decorated with special craft paper and ribbon, and a special green filler will be added to the flowers to give even greater brightness, contrast and volume to the bouquet. We will add a branded greeting card with your name and message to the bouquet of 30 blue roses. Free flower delivery in Bangkok, as well as delivery to the suburbs and neighboring provinces for a small additional cost. Please note that blue roses do not exist in nature, therefore they are all the result of a special process of natural intracellular coloration. This process is extremely slow and takes about 2 days. Therefore, delivery of blue roses on the day of order is not possible and we recommend placing an order at least 1.5 days before delivery.


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