50 Red Roses in a Vase


50 Red Roses in a Vase from Flowers-Bangkok. When you want to show your passionate love to a special person, you probably choose a large bouquet of red roses. But in order for such a bouquet to keep fresh for a long time and be a real decoration of the house, the recipient of the bouquet needs to place it in a large vase with water. If you are not sure if your girlfriend or wife has such a vase, you can order it from our flower shop. This bouquet includes 50 premium large-bud red roses, additional flowers to decorate, seasonal green filler and a large glass vase of water. Bouquets in a large vase do not require a gift wrapper and our florist uses only a bright ribbon for decoration.

✅ Free flower delivery in Bangkok
✅ Large glass vase
✅ Same day delivery if paid before 3 pm
✅ Free greeting card with your message
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

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50 Red Roses in a Vase from Flowers-Bangkok. When you want to show your passionate love to a special person, you probably choose a large bouquet of red roses. Birthday, anniversary, some kind of personal holiday – there can be many reasons for a flower gift. But in order for such a bouquet to keep fresh for a long time and be a real decoration of the house, the recipient of the bouquet needs to place it in a large vase with water. If you are not sure if your girlfriend or wife has such a vase, you can order it from our flower shop.

This bouquet includes 50 premium large-bud red roses, additional flowers to decorate, seasonal green filler and a large glass vase of water. Bouquets in a large vase do not require a gift wrapper and our florist uses only a bright ribbon for decoration. As with other bouquets, the cost of 50 roses in a vase includes a greeting card with your message. Also included in the price is the careful delivery of this large bouquet in Bangkok. Same day flower delivery in Bangkok is possible if the order is paid before 3 pm.


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