50 Yellow Roses


Large bouquet of 50 yellow roses from Flowers-Bangkok. This bouquet is very bright and positive, and you can present it for a special person, for your friend, boss or colleague on a special day for these people. Throughout Asia, yellow is associated with wealth, success, and gold. Therefore, a bouquet of yellow roses will be a very good gift when you want to congratulate a person on some important achievement and wish him success. Another well-known meaning of a bouquet of yellow roses is a wish for health. You can use such a bouquet when a person you love has health problems and you want to support him. Also, a bright ribbon will be used for decoration. The best roses with long stems and large buds will be used to make the bouquet. The initial length of flowers is 60-70 cm (when creating a bouquet, it will be slightly shortened).

✅ Free bouquet delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before 3 pm
✅ Free card with your words and name
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

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Large bouquet of 50 yellow roses from Flowers-Bangkok. This bouquet is very bright and positive, and you can present it for a special person, for your friend, boss or colleague on a special day for these people. Throughout Asia, yellow is associated with wealth, success, and gold. Therefore, a bouquet of yellow roses will be a very good gift when you want to congratulate a person on some important achievement and wish him success. Another well-known meaning of a bouquet of yellow roses is a wish for health. You can use such a bouquet when a person you love has health problems and you want to support him. Beautiful yellow roses with large buds will be used to create this large bouquet. Our florist will create a bright bouquet of 50 yellow roses with green filling and wrap it in a beautiful gift wrap or special paper. Also, a bright ribbon will be used for decoration. A special greeting card with your name will be added to the bouquet for free. The best roses with long stems and large buds will be used to make the bouquet. The initial length of flowers is 60-70 cm (when creating a bouquet, it will be slightly shortened). Free same day flower delivery  in Bangkok is possible if paid before 3 pm.


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