7 Yellow Roses


Bright bouquet of 7 premium yellow roses from Flowers-Bangkok. Typically, yellow roses are a symbol of friendship, so it’s best not to send them to a girl you like more than your friend. Yellow is a symbol of health, wealth and joy. Therefore, it is better to present a bouquet of 7 large yellow roses to your good friend, relative, colleague or teacher. To make a bouquet of 7 roses look more voluminous and festive, our experienced florists will add white gypsophila or other seasonal green filler to it.

✅ Free bouquet delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before 3 pm
✅ Free greeting card with your message
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

In stock


Bright bouquet of 7 premium yellow roses from Flowers-Bangkok. Typically, yellow roses are a symbol of friendship, so it’s best not to send them to a girl you like more than just friend. Yellow is a symbol of health, wealth and joy. Therefore, it is better to present a bouquet of 7 large yellow roses to your good friend, relative, colleague or teacher. To make a bouquet of 7 roses look more voluminous and festive, our experienced florists will add white gypsophila or other seasonal green filler to it. Also, a branded greeting card with your message and name will be added to the bouquet of 7 yellow roses. Free flower delivery in Bangkok and delivery to suburbs and neighboring provinces for a small additional cost. Same day flower delivery  in Bangkok  is possible when placing an order and paying for it before 3 pm.


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