Bright Feelings bouquet


Bouquet of roses and chrysanthemums from Flowers-Bangkok. When you give this blended bouquet, you show your ardent love, trust and the seriousness of your feelings. This bouquet can be an excellent gift for your girlfriend’s or wife’s birthday, anniversary or other holiday. The bouquet includes 9 premium red roses and fresh white chrysanthemums. Seasonal green filler can also be added to the bouquet. In Thailand, the number 9 has a special meaning and is considered the happiest, so you can give a bouquet of 9 roses as a wish of good luck. The price of the Bright Feelings bouquet includes gift wrapping, a bright ribbon and a greeting card with your message.

✅ Free flower delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before 3 pm
✅ Free greeting card with your message
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

In stock


Bright Feelings bouquet of roses and chrysanthemums from Flowers-Bangkok. When you give this blended bouquet, you show your ardent love, trust and the seriousness of your feelings. This bouquet can be an excellent gift for your girlfriend’s or wife’s birthday, anniversary or other holiday. The bouquet includes 9 premium red roses and fresh white chrysanthemums. Seasonal green filler can also be added to the bouquet. In Thailand, the number 9 has a special meaning and is considered the happiest, so you can give a bouquet of 9 roses as a wish of good luck.

The price of the Bright Feelings bouquet includes gift wrapping, a bright ribbon and a greeting card with your message to the recipient of the bouquet. Free delivery in Bangkok and delivery for a small extra fee to the suburbs and closest to the Bangkok provinces of Thailand. Flower delivery in Bangkok on the same day is possible if you pay for your order before 3 pm.


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