Perfect Love bouquet


Large bouquet of 30 red and white roses from Flowers-Bangkok. Order this bouquet in our flower shop in all cases when you want to make a chic gift for a special person. Red and white roses are a combination of fiery love, fidelity and tenderness. In addition to 30 fresh premium roses, seasonal green filler has been added to the bouquet. The bouquet is decorated with a gift wrap and a bright ribbon bow.

✅ Free flower delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before 3 pm
✅ Free greeting card with your message
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

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The combination of red and white flowers in one bouquet is one of the most contrasting combinations, which always attracts attention and leaves no one indifferent. In addition, in the language of flowers, this combination is very symbolic. Therefore, such a bouquet is an ideal floral gift for a loved one. The bouquet uses premium imported roses with a long stem and large buds. And the cost of the bouquet includes delivery in Bangkok and a greeting card with your message for the recipient. Delivery to neighboring provinces is also possible for a small additional fee depending on the distance. We offer same day delivery of a bouquet of 30 red and white roses from our flower shop in Bangkok. To do this, place and pay for your order before 3 pm (local time).


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