Pink Mixed Flowers Box XL


A large flower box filled with two types of pink roses, white or soft pink hydrangea, pink lilies, a few pink carnations, and pink gerberas is a perfect gift for someone special. This beautiful bouquet is carefully arranged by our experienced florists at Flowers-Bangkok Flower Shop. The elegant mix of pink flowers will surely bring joy and happiness to the person receiving it. Whether it’s for a birthday, anniversary, or just to say “I love you”, this flower box is a perfect choice to express your feelings.

✅ Free flower delivery in Bangkok
✅ Free greeting card with your message
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

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Our large gift flower box from Flowers-Bangkok Flower Shop is filled with a beautiful mix of pink flowers that are perfect for any occasion. The bouquet includes two types of pink roses, which symbolize love and gratitude. White or soft pink hydrangeas are added for their timeless beauty, while pink lilies represent devotion and purity. Pink carnations symbolize admiration and pink gerberas represent joy and happiness. Our experienced florists take great care in arranging the flowers to ensure that they are fresh and beautiful.

This stunning bouquet is suitable for anyone who appreciates the beauty of nature and the elegance of flowers. It’s perfect for gifting on occasions such as Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, anniversaries, birthdays, or as a romantic gesture to someone special. A special water oasis is provided in the flower box, so the care of the flowers is very simple. We offer free delivery on the same day in Bangkok when you order before noon. Additionally, we include a free greeting card with your personal message to make the gift even more special. So, surprise your loved ones with this stunning flower box and show them how much you care.



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