Pink Purple bouquet


Celebrate special moments with the Pink Purple bouquet from Flowers-Bangkok, a renowned flower shop in Bangkok. This vibrant bouquet features large pink roses and lilac or purple kermek flowers, beautifully complemented by a touch of green filler. The contrasting colors create a striking arrangement that captivates the senses. Whether you want to surprise a loved one, congratulate a friend, or express gratitude to someone special, this bouquet is a perfect choice. Each order includes fresh flowers, a lovely gift wrapper adorned with a bright ribbon, and a thoughtful postcard with your personalized message. Experience the joy of gifting with Flowers-Bangkok, your trusted destination for flower delivery in Bangkok.

✅ Free flower delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before 2 pm
✅ Free greeting card with your message
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

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The Pink Purple bouquet from Flowers-Bangkok is an exquisite ensemble that carries deep symbolism and heartfelt emotions. This carefully crafted arrangement combines the elegance of pink roses with the enchanting allure of lilac or purple kermek flowers, accompanied by a touch of verdant filler. Pink roses symbolize appreciation, grace, and admiration, making them an ideal choice for various occasions. Whether it’s Mother’s Day, the beginning of a romantic relationship, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, or simply a gesture of affection, these roses convey sentiments of love and tenderness. The inclusion of kermek flowers, also known as limonium, adds a charming touch with their delicate blooms that represent everlasting beauty and memories.

At Flowers-Bangkok, we offer free delivery of the Pink Purple bouquet to any area within Bangkok, ensuring that your thoughtful gift reaches its destination without hassle. We also provide delivery services to the suburbs of the Thai capital and neighboring provinces for a small surcharge. With our commitment to customer satisfaction, we strive to accommodate your needs by offering same-day flower delivery in Bangkok if your order is placed before 15:00. Additionally, we include a complimentary greeting card with every bouquet, allowing you to convey your heartfelt message with a personal touch. Trust Flowers-Bangkok to deliver your emotions through the artistry of flowers.


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