Tender Dream bouquet


A large bouquet of gorgeous white roses and delicate hydrangeas. Great gift for birthday, dating anniversary or wedding. Also, a bouquet of hydrangeas and white roses will be a good proof of your special relationship with your loved one. Tender Dream bouquet consists of 18-20 premium white roses and one or more hydrangea inflorescences of blue, lilac or pink color. The cost of the bouquet includes special gift wrapper and delivery in Bangkok.

✅ Free flower delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before 3 pm
✅ Free greeting card with your message
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

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White roses are a well-known symbol of purity, loyalty and tenderness. Large bouquet Tender Dream consists of 18-20 premium white roses with large buds. Also, the central part of the bouquet is a bright and delicate hydrangea – a symbol of sincerity and gratitude. Depending on the season, our florists can use blue, pink, purple hydrangea or even several hydrangea inflorescences of different colors. If you have a cpecial preference for color of this flowers – please write to us in the notes to the order.

The Tender Dream bouquet will be decorated with a bright gift wrapper and a bright ribbon. To more accurately convey your feelings or wishes, use the opportunity to add our branded postcard with your message to the recipient. This service is included in the price of this bouquet, as well as free flower delivery in Bangkok. Same day delivery for this bouquet is possible if paid before 2 pm.


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