15 Pink Roses (Valentine’s day)


Celebrate love with our 15 Pink Roses Bouquet from Flowers-Bangkok, a versatile Valentine’s Day gesture symbolizing admiration and affection. Imported with care, have captivating hues and lush blooms of these premium pink roses are beautifully arranged and presented in elegant packaging with a charming pink ribbon. Personalize your gift with personal message during checkout, and choose any day from 11th to 16th February for delivery.

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SKU: VAL15PR Category:


Step into the realm of romance with our enchanting 15 Pink Roses Bouquet from Flowers-Bangkok, an exquisite gesture designed exclusively for Valentine’s Day. In the language of flowers, these fifteen delicate pink roses convey a message of admiration and sweet affection, creating a heartfelt expression that goes beyond words. Unlike the fiery passion associated with red roses, pink roses symbolize grace, gratitude, and admiration, making them a perfect choice for any women during this season of love.

Carefully curated, our imported pink roses boast captivating hues and lush blooms, creating a visually stunning arrangement. Presented in an elegant packaging adorned with a charming pink ribbon, this bouquet captures the essence of romance in every detail. Complementing the pink roses, seasonal green fillers add a touch of freshness and vitality, enhancing the overall beauty of the bouquet.

The checkout process allows for a personal touch as you can include a special message for your loved one on the accompanying greeting card. Make your emotions bloom alongside these beautiful pink roses from our flower shop in Bangkok, creating a truly memorable and personalized Valentine’s Day gift.

Celebrate love in style by choosing any day between 11th to 16th February for the delivery of this radiant 15 Pink Roses Bouquet. Break away from the conventional and embrace the tender beauty of pink roses, a symbol of appreciation and affection that transcends traditional gender norms. Elevate your Valentine’s Day celebration with this unique expression of love, creating a moment that will be cherished forever.


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