24 Roses (mixed color)


24 mixed color roses from Flowers-Bangkok. A bouquet of 24 roses of three colors is always a bright and unforgettable gift. We offer a large and bright bouquet of 24 roses, which includes 8 hot pink roses, 8 orange roses and 8 yellow roses. All colors are bright and positive, so this bouquet will give the same vivid emotions and good mood. A bouquet of 24 roses (3 colors) looks very good in a light color film or paper with a bright ribbon. Same day flower delivery is possible when paying for the order before noon.

✅ Free flower delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before 3 pm
✅ Free card with your words and name
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok


In stock


24 mixed color roses from Flowers-Bangkok. A bouquet of 24 roses of three colors is always a bright and unforgettable gift. Classic bouquets of white, pink or red roses always remain popular, but it is bright three-color bouquets that are becoming an increasingly popular trend. We offer a large and bright bouquet of 24 roses, which includes 8 hot pink roses, 8 orange roses and 8 yellow roses. All colors are bright and positive, so this bouquet will give the same vivid emotions and good mood. A bouquet of 24 roses (3 colors) looks very good in a light color film or papeк with a bright ribbon. At your request, we will add a greeting card with your words or name to the bucket. Free same day flower delivery  in Bangkok is possible if paid before 3 pm.


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