25 Orange and White Roses


Bright bouquet of 25 fresh roses from Flowers-Bangkok. Our florists use only gorgeous white and orange premium roses to create this bouquet. These roses are distinguished by large buds, long stems and a light natural aroma. Such a versatile bouquet can be presented to a girl at the very beginning of your relationship, as well as in cases where you have a long-term serious relationship. To add even more volume, our florists add seasonal green filler to the bouquet. The bouquet will be wrapped in colored craft paper and decorated with a bright ribbon.

✅ Free bouquet delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before 3 pm
✅ Free greeting card with your message and name
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

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Bright bouquet of 25 fresh roses from Flowers-Bangkok. Our florists use only gorgeous white and orange premium roses to create this bouquet. These roses are distinguished by large buds, long stems and a light natural aroma. A bouquet of 25 white and orange roses at the same time allows you to express your tenderness, respect, gratitude, warmth of relationship and intoxicating love. Such a versatile bouquet can be presented to a girl at the very beginning of your relationship, as well as in cases where you have a long-term serious relationship. To add even more volume, our florists add seasonal green filler to the bouquet. The bouquet will be wrapped in colored craft paper and decorated with a bright ribbon. During checkout, you can add a message that we will place on greeting card. This service is free for all bouquets in our flower shop in Bangkok. Same day flower delivery is possible if the order is paid before 3 pm.


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