9000 Money Bouquet (2 Days)
The 9000 Money Bouquet features fresh white roses, white eustoma, and vibrant blue hydrangeas, paired with 18 Thai banknotes (500 baht each), totaling 9,000 baht. In Thai culture, 9 symbolizes luck and prosperity, making this bouquet an auspicious and meaningful gift. Elegantly wrapped in white and blue with optional butterfly decorations, it’s ideal for any special occasion. Free and secure delivery in Bangkok ensures your bouquet arrives fresh and beautiful.
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The 9000 Money Bouquet is a breathtaking and meaningful gift that combines the timeless beauty of fresh flowers with the value of Thai currency. This luxurious bouquet features pure white roses, delicate white eustoma, and bold blue hydrangea branches, carefully arranged to create a striking display of elegance and charm. Each flower carries its own symbolism: white roses signify purity and love, white eustoma conveys gratitude and appreciation, while blue hydrangeas represent admiration and heartfelt emotions. Together, they create a bouquet that is as meaningful as it is beautiful.
What makes this bouquet truly unique is the inclusion of 18 crisp Thai banknotes, each valued at 500 baht, for a total of 9,000 baht. In Thai culture, the number 9 is considered a symbol of luck, success, and prosperity, adding a layer of significance to this already remarkable arrangement. It’s the perfect gift for special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, or to express your wishes for happiness and good fortune.
The bouquet is elegantly wrapped in white and blue tones, complemented by a matching ribbon to enhance its luxurious appeal. Optional colorful butterfly decorations may also be added if available (please note that availability is not guaranteed and does not affect the bouquet’s price).
At our Flower Delivery Bangkok service, we prioritize freshness and quality. Every bouquet is handcrafted by experienced florists and delivered with utmost care to ensure it arrives in pristine condition, even in Bangkok’s warm climate. Our free and secure delivery service means you can send this thoughtful gift to your loved ones with complete confidence.
Order the 9000 Money Bouquet today from Flowers-Bangkok to share a gift that’s rich in beauty, meaning, and luck. It’s a gesture that will leave a lasting impression and show how much you truly care.
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