Love’s Palette bouquet


The Love’s Palette bouquet of pink and orange roses and hydrangea from Flowers-Bangkok is a stunning, vibrant creation that is perfect for expressing love, admiration, and affection. This lavish bouquet, comprised of at least 21 roses in various shades of pink and pink-orange, along with lush blue hydrangea and fresh green filler, is an ideal gift for those special moments when you want to convey your deepest feelings. It’s the perfect choice for anniversaries, romantic gestures, or to surprise a loved one “just because.” The bouquet comes beautifully wrapped in light blue gift paper with a satin ribbon and includes a personalized greeting card, making it a heartfelt gift for anyone who appreciates the language of flowers.

✅ Free flower delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before 3 pm
✅ Free greeting card with your message
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

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The Love’s Palette bouquet from Flowers-Bangkok is a harmonious blend of pink and orange roses, as well as the delicate addition of lush blue hydrangea. In the language of flowers, pink roses symbolize admiration, gratitude, and grace, making them an excellent choice to express your admiration for someone special. The addition of orange roses conveys enthusiasm, desire, and passion, making this bouquet an emblem of the fiery love and fervor you feel. The blue hydrangea, with its cool and calming hues, represents understanding and heartfelt emotion, making it a perfect complement to the fiery tones of the roses. Together, this bouquet embodies the complex and beautiful emotions that love can encompass.

Flower delivery in Bangkok is included in the bouquet’s price, ensuring your thoughtful gesture reaches your loved one promptly. This service is available for same-day delivery in Bangkok and the nearest neighboring provinces if orders are placed before noon. While there’s a small surcharge for deliveries to other provinces, our flower shop in Bangkok is dedicated to making your expression of love as convenient and meaningful as possible. Note: Depending on the season and batch of flowers, the shades of rose buds may differ from those shown in the product photo.


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