6 Hot Pink Roses


6 beautiful hot pink roses bouquet from Flowers-Bangkok. This is an inexpensive, but very bright and tender bouquet. A bouquet of hot pink roses will help you talk about tender feelings for your girlfriend or a girl who does not yet know about your feelings. Bright pink roses are a great way to express gratitude and your appreciation. Also you can send this hot pink roses in Bangkok for a relative, colleague or boss of any gender. At your request, we will add a small card with your words for free to the bouquet. This is a small-sized bouquet, but our florist will make it more voluminous with the help of a seasonal green filler. Traditionally for hot pink roses bouquets use light color gift wrap or paper and a bright colored ribbon.

✅ Free bouquet delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before noon
✅ Free card with your words and name
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok


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6 beautiful hot pink roses bouquet from Flowers-Bangkok. This is an inexpensive, but very bright and tender bouquet. A bouquet of hot pink roses will help you talk about tender feelings for your girlfriend or a girl who does not yet know about your feelings. Bright pink roses are a great way to express gratitude and your appreciation. Also you can send this hot pink roses in Bangkok for a relative, colleague or boss of any gender. This is a small-sized bouquet, but our florist will make it more voluminous with the help of a seasonal green filler. Traditionally for hot pink roses bouquets use light color gift wrap or paper and a bright colored ribbon. Free same day flower delivery  in Bangkok is possible if paid before 3 pm. Also small greeting card with your name or your message will be added to the bouquet for free. The best roses with long stems and large buds will be used to make the bouquet. The initial length of the flowers is 60-70 cm (it will be slightly shortened during the creation of the bouquet).


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