9 Blue Roses (2 days delivery)


Bright bouquet of 9 premium blue roses from Flowers-Bangkok. These unusual and unique flowers will emphasize your special attitude towards the recipient of the bouquet. For a more voluminous bouquet of 9 premium blue roses, our experienced florist will add seasonal green filler or white gypsophila to it, which looks great with blue roses. Please note that blue roses do not exist in nature and they are all the result of a special process of natural intracellular coloration. Therefore, delivery of blue roses on the day of order is not possible and we recommend placing an order at least 1.5 days before delivery.

✅ Free bouquet delivery in Bangkok
✅ 2 days delivery for this bouquet
✅ Free greeting card with your message
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

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Bright bouquet of 9 premium blue roses from Flowers-Bangkok. These unusual and unique flowers will emphasize your special attitude towards the recipient of the bouquet. Blue roses are a symbol of trust, depth and uniqueness of feelings towards the recipient of the bouquet. For a more voluminous bouquet of 9 premium blue roses, our experienced florist will add seasonal green filler or white gypsophila to it, which looks great with blue roses. We will also add a branded greeting card with your name and message to the bouquet of 9 blue roses for free. Free flower delivery in Bangkok, as well as delivery to the suburbs and neighboring provinces for a small additional cost. Please note that blue roses do not exist in nature and they are all the result of a special process of natural intracellular coloration. Therefore, delivery of blue roses on the day of order is not possible and we recommend placing an order at least 1.5 days before delivery.


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