9 Red and White Roses


Bouquet of 9 large roses from Flowers-Bangkok. This is a mixed bouquet of red and white roses, which simultaneously shows your passion and tenderness for the person who will receive your bouquet. As a rule, our florist creates this bouquet of 5 red and 4 white roses, but according to your desire the number of white and red roses in the bouquet can be changed. The bouquet consists of 9 premium roses with long stems, but since it is not a very large bouquet, our florist will make it more voluminous. To do this, a seasonal green filler will be added to the bouquet. For bouquets of red and white roses, the use of various types of gift wrapping is acceptable. Therefore, if you do not have any particular preferences, our florist will decorate this bouquet in accordance with his imagination.

✅ Free flower delivery in Bangkok
✅ Same day delivery if paid before 3 pm
✅ Free card with your words and name
✅ Lowest price in Bangkok

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Bouquet of 9 large roses from Flowers-Bangkok. This is a mixed bouquet of red and white roses, which simultaneously shows your passion and tenderness for the person who will receive your bouquet. As a rule, our florist creates this bouquet of 5 red and 4 white roses, but according to your desire the number of white and red roses in the bouquet can be changed. The bouquet consists of 9 premium roses with long stems, but since it is not a very large bouquet, our florist will make it more voluminous. To do this, a seasonal green filler will be added to the bouquet. For bouquets of red and white roses, the use of various types of gift wrapping is acceptable. Therefore, if you do not have any particular preferences, our florist will decorate this bouquet in accordance with his imagination. Same day flower delivery  in Bangkok is possible if paid before 3 pm. Free greeting card with your name or your congratulation will be added to the bouquet for free. The best roses with long stems and large buds will be used to make the bouquet. The initial length of the flowers is 70 cm (it will be slightly shortened during the creation of the bouquet).


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